

词汇 hurry


  • hurries
  • hurrying
  • hurried
  • hurried


  • ① 急忙;加快;催促;急派
    • Can you hurry him?你能催他一下吗?
    • This work mustn't be hurried.这件工作不可匆促做。
    • He hurried his steps.他加快脚步。
    • I was hurried into (making) an unwise decision.我被催促做了一项不明智的决定。
    • They hurried the wounded to the hospital.他们赶紧把受伤的人送到医院。
    • Troops were hurried to the front.军队被急忙派往前线。


  • ① 匆促;赶快;慌忙
    • Don't hurry.不要慌张;不用急。
    • He hurried home.他赶回家去。
    • I picked up my bag and hurried away [off].我拿起我的袋子匆匆离去。
    • He hurried back to his office.他急忙回到他的办公室。
    • hurry up the stairs匆匆上楼
    • I hurried over the unimportant passages.我把那些不重要的段落匆匆读了一下。
    • hurry through the work赶完工作
    • He hurried through his coffee.他匆忙喝完了咖啡。
    • hurry into one's clothes匆忙穿上衣服
    • I hurried to get there in time.我匆匆而去以便及时赶到那里。


  • ① 匆促,急忙
    • In her hurry to catch the train, she left her luggage in the taxi.她匆匆赶火车时把行李遗置于出租车上。
  • ②[用于否定句或疑问句]需要赶快
    • Is there any hurry (over this job)?(这件工作)需要赶时间吗?
    • Take your time. There's no hurry.慢慢来,不用急。
    • There's no hurry about [for] it.不用赶(时间充足)。
    • What's the hurry?干嘛那么赶呢?


haste: 主要用于人,指由于周围的情况,或本身的热切,而急忙行动等;有时暗示终归失败

All our haste was in vain.

hurry: 为日常用语,指过于匆促而有狼狈之感

Why are you in such a hurry?

speed: 可用于人或物,指动作敏捷迅速,意味着有好的结果


  • hurry along
    • ① 赶往;催促
    • A few pedestrians hurried along with coat collars turned high.几名行人把外套衣领翻得高高的在赶路。
  • hurry on
    • ① 赶往;赶办
    • They are hurrying on the work.他们正在赶办那工作。
  • hurry up
    • ①[主要用祈使法]赶快;催促
    • Hurry up, or you'll be late for the appointment.快点,否则你会赶不上约会。
    • Hurry her up!催她赶快!
  • in a hurry
    • ① 匆忙地;急忙地
    • ② 急着
    • ③[通常用于否定句]【口】乐意地
    • ④[通常用于否定句]【口】容易地
    • I won't go to that restaurant again in a hurry.我再也不愿到那家餐馆了。
    • You won't find a better man in a hurry.你不容易找到一个更好的男人。
    • I won't forget his kindness in a hurry.我不会轻易忘记他的亲切。
  • in no hurry to-V
    • ① 不急着
    • ② 不情愿
    • He was in no hurry to go.他不急着去。
    • I'm in no hurry to lend him money.我不愿借钱给他。


  • dispatchn.迅速
  • hasten.急忙
  • hastenv.匆忙
  • pushv.
  • rushn.赶忙
  • rushv.催促
  • speedn.快速
  • speedv.加速
  • urge onv.催促
  • accelerate
  • barrel
  • bolt
  • bucket
  • bustle
  • celerity
  • dart
  • dash
  • expedite
  • expedition
  • expeditiousness
  • festinate
  • flash
  • fleet
  • fleetness
  • flit
  • fly
  • highball
  • hotfoot
  • hustle
  • nip
  • pelt
  • quicken
  • quickness
  • race
  • rapidity
  • rapidness
  • rip
  • rocket
  • run
  • sail
  • scoot
  • scour
  • shoot
  • speediness
  • sprint
  • step up
  • swiftness
  • tear
  • trot
  • whirl
  • whisk
  • whiz
  • wing
  • zip
  • zoom
  • hastiness
  • hurriedness
  • look sharp
  • precipitation
  • rushing
  • travel rapidly


  • crawlv.徐缓而行
  • creepv.缓慢移动
  • delayv.延迟
  • slow downv.放慢速度


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • need
  • demand
  • necessity
  • urgency
  • hurry
  • haste


  • fastness
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • speed
  • swiftness
  • urgency


  • abruptness
  • bolt
  • dash
  • precipitance
  • precipitancy
  • precipitateness
  • precipitousness
  • scamper
  • scramble
  • scurry
  • suddenness




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